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The Cauca River, portentous, which from a distance seemed to have enough strength to stir the world, is no longer there. It’s the flagship construction project of EPM, a utility and energy company owned by the city of Medellín.

The Ituango Dam, also referred to as the Pescadero-Ituango Dam, is an embankment dam currently under construction on the Cauca River near Ituango in Antioquia Department, Colombia.The primary purpose of the project is hydroelectric power generation and its power plant will have an installed capacity of 2,456 megawatts (3,294,000 hp) when completed.

Photograph: Joaquin Sarmiento/AFP/Getty Images

""The great environmental and social problem caused by "The ones responsible for this tragedy claim they're working on a solution, but don't take into account the affected communities nor their representative organisms, such as the Rios Vivos Movement of Antioquia.

"Part of this discriminatory management is the information bias by which the truth of what's happening is being hidden and manipulated, as well as the real dimension and imminence of the danger. It is located approximately 8km down river from Pescadero Bridge, on the Cauca River, on the way to Ituango, where the Ituango River meets the Cauca.” 4

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by The Hidroituango dam on the river Cauca was in the final stages of construction when a blocked tunnel was cleared on Saturday night, causing flooding downstream that swept through a riverside hamlet. The Hidroituango dam on the river Cauca was in the final stages of construction when a blocked tunnel was cleared on Saturday night, causing flooding downstream that swept through a riverside hamlet. …of its major tributary, the Cauca, covers some 100,000 square miles (260,000 square km), or nearly one-fourth of the surface of the country. Two of the dam’s floodgates were closed this week following concerns that it posed a danger to vulnerable communities along the Cauca river in Antioquia. The Ituango hydroelectric dam on the Cauca River, now at an estimated cost of $5 billion USD, was designed to generate 2400 megawatts of electricity. It rises at the bifurcation of the Andean Cordilleras Central and Oriental, and flows northward for 930 miles (1,497 km) to the Caribbean Sea. The dam's feasibility study was completed in 1983 but the project was shelved in the 1990s due to an economic crisis.The dam will be a 225-metre (738 ft) tall earth-fill embankment type with a clay core.

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The volume of the dam will be 19 million cubic metres (670Three tunnels were constructed to divert the Cauca River around the construction site.

"So far, calls have been issued for 25,234 people to be evacuated from various communities, but some are refusing to leave their homes because they fear that doing so could result in the loss of their land and property.A police statement said: "We're trying to raise awareness among the few people that have not evacuated the locality, inviting them to do it as soon as possible. Yesterday the floodgates were opened once again in an attempt to normalise river flow in the Cauca.

The Ituango dam, currently under construction near Antioquia department’s Ituango municipality, is at risk of collapse.
The dam of the Hidroituango Hydroelctric Project, on the river Cauca, near Ituango municipality in Colombia on 12 May.

"The company is doing its best effort and works tirelessly to control the situation and assist the communities in the best way possible," EPM said in a statement.

Six hundred people were left homeless and two bridges, two schools and a … At least 25,000 people in Colombia have been evacuated after fresh floods caused by the Ituango hydroelectric dam on Monday followed the flooding of the Cauca river on May 12.. RELATED: Colombia's Dam Disaster Displaces Tens of Thousands. Two were eventually sealed during construction, leaving a third to divert the river.On May 16 silt build-up in a portion of the power house, the only means to drain the reservoir, led to water escaping into a transit gallery used by construction vehicles.

"The Rios Vivos Movement and CAJAR are calling on authorities to include representatives of the affected communities in the Rios Vivos claims the EPM's true intention is to oust the Indigenous Nutable people from the river basin because they are hampering so-called progess.Castillo says part of the EPM's strategy has been criminalizing riverside communities, especially members of the Rios Vivos Movement, by accusing them of illegally occupying their own ancestral territory.Sign In or Register to leave a comment, use the forums and more

The water eventually poured onto the downstream face of the dam, eroding the roadway and a portion of the On May 19 the dam works reached level 405 masl; 5 m below cofferdam target the levelSome sources argue the dam construction has severe ecological consequences, and there are displaced families, environmentalists, youth groups and concerned locals that oppose the project.In February 2019 the Project came under increased pressure from local and national governmental regulatory agencies