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Vertex colourings assign different labels to adjacent vertices, while edge colourings assign different labels to adjacent edges. One of the important areas in graph theory is Graph Labeling used in many applications like coding theory, x-ray crystallography, radar, astronomy, circuit design, communication network addressing, data base management. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V.Edge odd graceful labeling of some path and cycle related graphs© 2017 Kalasalingam University. We study the family of torus grid graphs. However, the notion of labelling may be applied to all extensions and generalizations of graphs. Keywords: Edge-magic, Super edge-magic labeling; Merge Graph Introduction In this paper, by a graph we mean only finite simple undirected graphs.

Graph labeling. Solairaju and Chithra introduced a new type of labeling of a graph G with p vertices and q edges called an edge odd graceful labeling if there is a bijection f from the edges of the graph to the set {1, 3, …, 2 q − 1} such that, when each vertex is assigned the sum of all edges incident to it m o d 2 k, where k = max (p, q), the resulting vertex labels are distinct. An edge labeling is function f : E !Z0, where Z0ˆZ, in other words it is a labeling of all edges by integers. Similarly whenever refering to a labeling we will be refering to an edge labeling. For the remainer of this paper whenever refering to a graph we will be refering to an edge la- beled graph. The total edge irregularity strength tes(G) is defined as the minimum k for which the graph G has an edge irregular total k-labeling. The standard notations and terminology are as in [2]. In this paper, we obtained an edge even graceful labeling for some path-related graphs like Y- tree, the double star Bn,m, the graph 〈K1,2n:K1,2m〉, the graph $ ~P_{2n-1}\odot \overline { K_{2m}}~ $ , and double fan graph F2,n. A graph colouring is a subclass of graph labellings. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V.ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Labeled graph) Jump to: navigation, search. We also obtain necessary and sufficent conditions to be edge even graceful labeling for all of the cases of every member of this family.
Edge even graceful labeling is a new type of labeling since it was introduced in 2017 by Elsonbaty and Daoud (Ars Combinatoria 130:79–96, 2017). The field of Graph Theory plays vital role in various fields. A graph with such a labeling is an edge labeled graph. In the above definition a graph is understood to be a finite undirected simple graph. In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, a graph labelling is the assignment of labels, traditionally represented by integers, to edges and/or vertices of a graph. By continuing you agree to the Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. graph.

Solairaju and Chithra introduced a new type of labeling of a graph Peer review under responsibility of Kalasalingam University.We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. For example, in Most graph labellings trace their origins to labellings presented by Alexander Rosa in his 1967 paper.A graph is known as graceful when its vertices are labeled from 0 to |An edge-graceful labelling on a simple graph without loops or multiple edges on Edge-graceful labellings were first introduced by Sheng-Ping Lo in 1985.A necessary condition for a graph to be edge-graceful is "Lo's condition": In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, a graph labeling is the assignment of labels, traditionally represented by integers, to the edges or vertices, or both, of a graph.