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Legionella bacteria causes Legionellosis (a collective of diseases – the most serious of these is Legionnaires disease).Showers are often a breeding ground for legionella bacteria - the water is at an ideal temperature for Legionella pathogens to survive.

It is interesting to note that there are a number of technological developments now coming onto the market which help to reduce the Legionella risk in showers. Flush showers which are not regularly used to prevent cases of the potentially deadly Legionnaires’ disease. One is If you’re concerned about Legionella control in your rental property or would like a no-obligation quote for our services, please It’s not uncommon for water to collect in parts of a domestic water system which aren’t used very often and bacteria can develop in such pockets of stagnation. Firstly, where does the water come from and how is it heated?
Legionella bacteria is dispersed in airborne water droplets, so the spray created by a shower is the perfect delivery mechanism. Anyone using a contaminated shower risks breathing in the bacteria and developing Legionnaires’ disease as the bug takes hold in the lungs. If your property has a combi boiler the risk is a little lower as hot water isn’t stored but heated up on demand, but if you do have a hot water storage tank it’s vital that the water is held at a temperature of more than 50°C to ensure that bacteria are killed.Another risk factor is water hardness as limescale also provides food for bacteria.

Place the parts into the sink and soak them in a mixture of baking soda, white vinegar and hot water. Remove the shower head from the pipe. Take apart the shower head and remove all detachable parts including the filter screen. To prevent any additional spread of infection and cases of Legionnaires’ disease from popping up, the hospital decided to install medical-grade water filters on all of the hospital’s shower heads and taps. The bacteria that cause the disease are not just limited to public areas such as hotels, swimming pools or hospitals. A sensible option for high risk users such as the immuno-compromised or elderly, this is likely to … Legionella bacteria will happily grow in temperatures of between 20 – 45 degrees Celsius. Conserving Energy.

Extracted from an article published on MailOnline website on 13 July 2019.
If your tenants are over 45, smokers, heavy drinkers or have a health condition such as heart disease, asthma or diabetes, they are at even greater risk of developing an infection.There are a number of factors which determine the risk level of your shower. Then, when the little-used outlet is switched on, out comes the bacteria-laden water to be breathed in by the unsuspecting person showering. Maintaining Equipment.

Take a look around our careers pages to find out where your career could begin with NCH Asia.Cleaning water, conserving energy, maintaining equipment.Cleaning Water. A guest shower room is perhaps the most high risk area of a domestic property for this problem, so request that tenants run any infrequently-used showers for two minutes at least once a week, ensuring that they leave the room while the water is on.It is interesting to note that there are a number of technological developments now coming onto the market which help to reduce the Legionella risk in showers. This should be done at least once a week to ensure that stagnant water conditions are avoided and to minimise the possible build-up of bacteria. If a homeowner goes on holiday for a couple of weeks, the shower won’t be used. Legionnaires disease is contracted by breathing in small droplets of water contaminated with legionella.To prevent legionella bacteria building up in your shower, keeping showers clean and sanitary is essential. Rust, corrosion, biofilm and debris in the tank all provide food for Legionella bacteria, so make sure you inspect the tank at least once a year and If your water is heated by a calorifier, this needs to be serviced regularly and kept clean. Tips for cleaning your shower head. If the shower is fed by a water tank, you need to make sure that the tank is clean and in good condition. In this situation, a plan should be put in place to ensure these little-used taps, showers, other water outlets, and sections of the water system are thoroughly flushed through on a regular basis. Doctor who runs his shower for 20 minutes every time he comes back from holiday says this habit could save you from life-threatening Legionnaires’ disease. Stagnant water also helps to increase the risk, as it is far easier for bacteria to multiply in still water.